Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Shopping Smile

Went shopping over the weekend. Now I do most Saturdays but only for the grub.
Well I said to the son that because my friend, the back pain, wasn't so bad we'll get some Christmas shopping done...
We pulled in the parking lot, finally found a spot. He got out of the truck... I just sat.
He opened his door and asked if I was alright. I told him just get back in and set for a bit...
I lit a cigar and just sat and watched the huge “herd” of humans passing...
I tell myself every year, ... I'm going to do most of my Christmas shopping during the summer...
But never do... I wait like just about everyone else, then get angry about the crowds.

About 3 minutes passed. I put the cigar out, said to the son lets just take a few deep breaths, put on a smile and try and remember, there is probably not going to be one single person there that feels any different about the crowds than us. We know we're going to be pushed, shoved and scowled at but, so is everyone else. Now lets just work on keeping that smile and if anyone gets testy, smile like he--, and stay pleasant!
We did. As expected we spent a lot of time waiting, but hey, we kept those smiles, nodded and greeted people, and believe it or not... We had a great time.

Instead of getting angry, I'd even smile and talk nice to people who would normally anger me. Gee, think maybe I spent longer than usual, but had some friendly and fun, though brief, discussions with about a hundred people.
I even made a turn around an endcap and about ran right into a pretty young lady. I looked up, saw a scowl, then said, You are the prettiest lady I've seen. Darned, I got the sweetest smile and a wonderful thank you.

After checking out, I saw a guy standing impatiently in front of the registers waiting on his wife. I walked over and stood beside a complete stranger and asked if he minded if I stood with him for a minute and watched the zoo! I don't think I've seen a smile quite as big as the one he got on his face, for a long time...

Guess, I really learned today that my adopted smiling, friendly attitude can spread like wildfire even in a wild, crazy store full, of hurried, agitated Christmas shoppers.

I'm tellin ya, this smiling, friendly thing is working so well I'm sold.
I adopted it a few years back when I realized that there is not one darned thing that getting angry can help. All it ever seemed to do was breed more anger and leave me feeling bad.

I began using this stupid sounding attitude and wow! It is really working! I spend more time now being truly happy, and really seem to be making other people happy in doing so.
It's crazy!!!!!

Look, just give it a try! What do you have to loose?
It may take a while, it sure did for me. Old habits “are” really hard to break!
But, you just, like myself, may find yourself happier, and you may make the grinches of the world smile too.

Please join in. All it costs is a smile... : )

I would really like to know how you make out! So comment and let me know.. See ya : )

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