Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Our Fearless Leaders

Have Integrity... : ) LMAO

I can still see Billy standing there! I did not have... Define the word... OK, so much for integrity...
What's with Hilly... Woulda been any woman I've known, he'd have had a cast iron skillet up side his head, at the least... Now if she's that “kind and gentle” should she be doing the job she is?
He's not the only one I could pick on any party! Just by accident, catch a few minutes of the nightly news.
It is a laugh filled riot... Then, when the fun wears off ya may want to cry...
Honesty, yah, read above. These people we elect and give a chance, at one time or another show us they're true colors. I trust bold faced liars more, I expect the worst from them.
Fair... Uh hu... Now I came to find out through life that what mom tried to teach (nothing's fair) is so true. I also came to believe there is truth in the line nothing's fair in love or war. But... Couldn't they at least try to look like they give a hoot about the people they work for?
No, instead they just spend more while expecting us to tighten our belts. They play political games while we wait to see what's going to plop out of the nest next. They can't even see the reality, that prices keep going up for essentials and refuse the retired and disabled a few meager pennies in a cost of living increase. But that was in a previous post...
You can bet they'll take another raise though!
Think I'm being piddly, ask granny or gramps just how much Social Security they really are existing on.
Now I know they paid in, and they're entitled to it, but just why the heck do those who were lucky enough and had the money to invest and did well, and have many thousands a year in earnings from their investments still accepting SS if things are so bad? Man, if I didn't need it I think I would just tell SS no thanks... At least I hope I would! If not I think I'd shoot myself.
Smart... Yah... I see cows out in the pasture that don't make as many dumb mistakes or moves as that herd in DC does.
Maybe it's just so much intelligence in one place that makes them so dumb. Uh hu...

But... Just my opinion.
There's still no better place to live. I believe in this country and would fight to the death against anyone who would try and bring it down. I'm proud as H to be here and part of it.
Even though at times I'm dismayed, angry, amused or down right laughing at the people who are in charge. I'm glad and appreciate that I can say what I think without a bullet flying my way. That I can go and do as I please when and where I want. Yah, within the law! But that's understandable. To a degree. Have a few questions about some that I may share someday...

I do wish they'd leave the laws alone though. Seems we keep losing a little more freedom every year. Not my idea of a good thing... But, we were warned, we'd be taken without a single shot...

Old Usammie, I really think, if that dude is in them mountains, we should pull our military out.
Offer all the good ole boys, and PA deer hunters a free two way plane trip, ammo included for the gun of their choice for their own guns, and “don't even try to give them any rules” (Its war for crying out loud), we would probably have that SOB in a week or two.
Hey, ever tried to get a squirrel, how about a waskly wabbit, even a big deer?
Not really that easy...
Now I'm hearing some complaining here in PA about a lack of deer but I'm not seeing it. Think maybe it's the class of younger hunters and all the city folk moving out here to the boonies and putting up “No Trespassing” signs... But again, I'm going sideways...
I kinda have an idea if our illustrious government would make the offer, as stated above, we could get Usammi and his band of squirrels, quite a bit quicker.
And heck for a “free hunting trip”, we probably wouldn't even ask about pay!

I really think it's all the questionable “rules” that are getting in the way of the greatest military that ever was. Rules, sorry it's not a debate... It's “War” against some people who don't care about other people let alone rules...

I'm pleased with and down right proud of our guys and gals who are trying to do what's right and needs to be done!
It's the politicians and pointless rules that I don't get... Like ma taught me, Nothings fair in Love or War! Nothing is fair about life!

OK, I'll clam up now! I'll just go back and crawl under my rock and hibernate some more...
Have a really great day, and hopefully I'll be back to chat with ya tomorrow.

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