Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Politically Correct

Politically Correct! “What”
What's correct about politics...
What's correct about politicians...
What's correct about correct...
Grow some tough skin, open your mind, and find some understanding!

You don't like how I feel, what I say? Ignore me... I've got my right to my own opinion!
Wonder how long until the politicians take that right away... Freedom of speech is getting thin.
Wonder if someday the politicians will try to take away freedom of thought...

Gay? I really don't care. It's your business. Now if ya try to tell me your right... You will hear my views on the subject. If you have the right to tell me your views, shouldn't I have the right to voice my own... Other than that, it's between you and your higher power.
My higher power tells me to be forgiving and thankfully pray, and let him handle the details. Tis not for me to judge... I can't say with total certainty that I'm right and neither can anyone...
I do know a few people who are. I think they are some of the nicest people I've ever known.
They're respectful and not judgmental. They care as much as I do about this world and this life.
I've drank with them, worked with them, hunted and fished with them. We get along just fine.
If I don't have the right to say what I think or feel, how will others know to stay outta my face...
With this “politically correct” crap how would I ever have found that out?

Now, if you can't accept someone because they are different than you, sorry, but you need serious help. Oops, maybe that's not “politically correct”...

Is it politically correct to sentence people to life for anything...
Not correct to spank your kids. Talk sweetly instead... Yah, like that would have worked with me...
I was asked nicely. Then told. Then if I kept it up, soundly spanked! Hey, I had my chance. I had two...

Hmm, why not just talk nice and ask murderers not to kill... Lets just tell thieves, that's bad, now don't do that... Why spend all the money we do for prisons?...

Wonder if it's politically correct to tell someone they need a bath, or should I just get a clothes pin for my nose... Maybe that wouldn't be politically correct either...I might hurt their feelings.

Racism? What?
My higher power said we all came from the same place. Science says we all come from the same puddle of goo. DNA is showing we all came from the same area of this planet...
Yah, I'm a white, so what! Are we not “all” the “Human Race”?
I've had a lot of friends and it was through discussion we came to understand each other, and became friends. Even though some discussions did get a bit heated.

If I hurt anyone's feeling here, what can I say?
I just think this politically correct stuff is a bunch of nonsense.
If we don't have politically “incorrect” conversations, how will we ever be able to understand each other or learn to accept each other?

What we do need to learn?
When having discussions and they get hot, go away and cool down. Take a chill pill. Get a fresh perspective, think openly about what was said, then carry on.

Don't be stupid and get into a fight. Its been my experience in life that no one really wins.

Winning is coming together and understanding what makes “US feel the way we do and either changing our views or learning to respect and accept those that differ.

If no one in my life ever let me know I was being a butt head, how would I ever have changed...
It's called “growing”.

Hey, I don't know it all, just know what's worked for me. I hope, it helps someone else...
Now, go forth in peace. Make love, not war. : )

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