Friday, March 11, 2011

Ponder This

Past, present and future...
Everyone has a past. I've never met one single person who didn't have something bad in their past. Me? I've had a lot of really dumb things in my past. Some decisions that in hindsight were really stupid. Some that might have worked out with a bit more planning. Many that were brought on by a big mouth that should have minded it's own business. But that wouldn't be me...

Then there were the dumb physical things I'd do... Yah, the dare devil things.
From snatching up a field mouse that turned into a mini chainsaw, to trying to be superman by jumping from tall buildings in a single bound! Now in all honesty, that was only bad when I got to the ground...

Then too were the many loves that should have been no more than affairs, if even that. Yah, guys get hurt by that too...
But past is past. Best left in the past. But also best remembered!

There is also the present. The us that is living today. The us that has to deal with all the BS that life and other people can find to make the present more difficult. But the present that can be used to find something to smile about.

There then comes the future. The great unknown... What will tomorrow bring. Will there even be a tomorrow?
I think that one should plan for the tomorrow. Plan like you'll live forever, but live like there is no tomorrow...

Some say they wish they could erase their past. Make it never have happened. I can't buy that... That past is a history of mistakes and hurt. Everyone who has shared their past with me has had to admit that their pasts have had good times too. Those good times bring smiles. But that history is there to be remembered so we don't make the same mistakes again.

That makes the decisions of the present a little more informed so we are not walking blindly. The present is a time we can choose to take a little time to share and enjoy. Heck, haven't we already learned from the past that anything pressing will wait? There are some things we can't put off but just how many can we...

Along comes that future. Now I see that future as something that needs to be planned for. But those plans have to be flexible. There are just to many things that can change in the universe to mess plans up.

If we try to stand with one foot in the past and one in the future, just how much do we miss in the present... I choose to stand firmly in the present with memories of the past and a plan for the future but still be able to enjoy today.

The day I may just get a wild hair up my butt and decide that playing with the grandkids or spend with loved ones is perfect for. The day to be sure that when I get to the future my loved ones will remember who I am. The day that when loved ones get to their futures will be remembered with fondness.

In my eyes there has to be a balance of the past, present and future. Spending to much time dwelling on the past and you'll be missing out on the present. Spend to much time dwelling on that unknown future and you'll miss the present. 

What better present can you give than your present spent with those that you want to be present in your future...

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