Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Brrrr Chill

Blues, pinks and lavenders. Those were the colors of the sky this morning as the shy began to wake from a long night. But the fields are covered with white.
Coffee at my side I'm happy just to sit on the sofa and watch as the earth wakes up for another day. On my trip outdoors earlier it was cold.

Yesterday I couldn't use the push broom that I keep hanging on the porch during the winters to sweep the snow off. I'm not sure if I mentioned it before, but there is a dove that has built a nest on it. She didn't leave the nest until afternoon to look for food. Busy keeping her eggs warm I'd guess.

But every time I walked out the door I'd look her way and talk softly to her. She's not to sure about me. Just watches me with her eyes and doesn't move a twitch.
Can't wait until it warms up again so she's moving and cooing me a serenade to start my day.

For a bit yesterday I was making snowballs and tossing them for the dogs. Rowdy wasn't to sure about that at first. As Lakai jumped and tried to catch them Rowdy got the idea though. Soon both were waiting impatiently to play catch as fast as I could make them and toss them.

Rowdy however refused to do his business out in the snow. Dropped his mess right on my floor. Had to clean his messes twice yesterday. That makes me very happy that when I get a pup I cover the floor with plastic. It makes messes easy to clean, it's easy to mop and protects my carpet well.
Guess the scoldings he got yesterday helped though. This morning he was happy to relieve himself outside.

There was about eight inches of snow on top of the porch railings and in other spots off the ground. On the ground it was warm enough to melt a lot of the snow. Only had two to four inches in different places. The road had none. It was warm enough to melt it all.

We get late spring snows at time around here, but they never stay around long. In a day or sometimes two the sun comes out and melts it all. This makes me happy. Don't get me wrong, once spring comes I'd rather not see any more snow until next winter, but when it melts away real fast it's easier to take. I'd rather be shoveling dirt than snow at this time of year. Rather be feeling sweat than chills.

Unlike yesterday morning the birds are flying around lake crazy. I imagine they are very hungry and trying to fill their bellies. I'd like to be out listening to the sing their concerts, but I think I'll just listen to the news. Unlike them I have the choice to stay in a nice warm house near a radiator.

I'm done with winter, over it. Ready for the warmth of spring to return.
Longing for the heat that chases the stiffness from the joints and bones. Yearning for the mornings I can sit on the front porch sipping my coffee as the sun rises while listening to the early morning birdie concert. Watching the beautiful sunrise and thinking about what I will do for the day.

Well, the dogs are being very active and I think they're trying to tell me they want breakfast. So I'd better get a move on and cater their meals.
Have a great day full of smiles!

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