Monday, January 17, 2011


We already have TGIF so why not?
OCIM, Ya know, Oh Crap It's Monday... ???

Didja have a quiet restful weekend or was it way to busy and now you need work to rest up?
You do realize that rest is what the weekends are for. Don't you???
But no, we play, have fun, do more work around home, and party so hard that by the time Monday rolls around we need another weekend... And if the boss catches us napping... We're done! Darned guy has no sense of life or humor at all! Hmm, wonder if the boss wears underwear...

Does anyone even want to be at work on Monday... Maybe a small handful of people do but I'll bet the majority would not. Maybe that's why the boss is such a jerk... The boss doesn't like Monday either so their just taking it out on the rest of us because they can...
Nah, that darned crab probably spent the weekend hatching new plans to make us employees miserable... Smiling that stupid grin all the while!

Maybe that idiot by the coffee machine... He likes to come to work on Monday's. He couldn't get away with his stupid, mundane jokes anywhere else. He needs a captive audience! Man I would like to have a eight inch crap flavored gum drop to shove in his big loud mouth!

Why even come to work? My boss hates me, my coworkers are a pain in the rear, I hate my job! What am I doing here? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh !!!!!

Hmm, I need money. Have bills to pay. Need to buy food. I want new clothes. New furniture would be nice...

Maybe a new car... Then I could save up for a fun road trip. Wow, maybe somewhere where no one knows me and I could kick back for a few days and just relax. I could be just as lazy and goofy as I want. No one would know me so why not. Heck, even if they thought I was a complete looser idiot who cares. I wouldn't ever have to go back there again...

Oh well, guess I have to be here. Guess I'd better at least look like I'm a happy employee working away in a bliss filled world... Hmm, maybe if I do that I'll drive those others crazy trying to figure it out...

Maybe, just maybe today I'll start treating everyone, even real butt heads, with all the kindness and respect I can possibly dig up. That would drive them all crazy! ...
Even if some angry customer, who has planned all weekend to come in and make me feel lousy with their disrespectful attitude and foul mouth. I'll keep my cool and be so pleasant and kind that I'll drive them nuts! Who knows, maybe then they'll never come back and ruin my day again...

Yup, I'm just going to keep on smiling and have the entire world wondering just what I might be up to! Hehehehehe, then when they are all insane from wondering I'll take over the world... OK, maybe I can't take it that far...

But what the heck, I can keep on being nice and respectful while I smile all the time. That should keep them busy guessing and wondering. Eh, who knows, I may even start a trend!

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