Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Have Ya Ever Wondered

Just why is it that as packaging gets smaller and less gets put in those packages, the prices keep going up...

Why is it that as cars get smaller the prices keep going up...

Just how does a six foot man get into those cars...

How do I remove my head to get through the doors of those cars!

How is it the more cars and trucks we buy that use less gas the prices of gas keeps skyrocketing...

Guys. Have you ever looked at the things she wears? Ever caught a glimpse of her getting dressed? Just how can a woman ever need any more exercise than getting dressed up real pretty...

Just her getting dressed should make you feel sorry for her and want to give her a day off...

Think my son wants to know just how many dishes I can make from a base of creamed beef.

Heck, I want to know just how many concoctions I can come up with from a base of creamed beef.

Want to know why every tool I need will have been used by my son and not put back where it belongs.

Want to know when my son will learn to clean up after himself.

Want to know why he can't tell the difference between a trash can and the floor...

Want to know why I have no socks and the pile he calls his bedroom floor keeps growing.

Want to know why the dogs think my bed is so much more comfortable than their own.

Want to know when the dogs are going to feed me!

Want to know why the oldest dog thinks it's primary reason for living is to chase the chickens.

Why is it that bacon, maybe the worst food in the world for your health, tastes so darned good...

What would chocolate covered bacon taste like...
Don't find out. I put a Hershey's kiss in my mouth right before eating some bacon. My kids got a wonderful smile from the disgusted look on my face.
Though I did my best to convince them it was good, they wouldn't buy it.

Darned kids just had to learn to always be to smart for my fun.

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