Yesterday morning, below freezing.
This morning somewhat warm. Ahh yes, finally back to a normal spring.
I was getting worried after two
weeks of very warm weather after our sorry excuse for a winter that
this summer would be a very buggy summer. It still might be if we
don't get a few more good really warm days followed by well below
freezing nights.
I've noticed in the past when we
get well above freezing and it stays that way, that we have more bugs
during the summer. But when it gets real warm and then we get
overnight freezes, the bugs hatch and then are frozen. That seems to
get the population of the pesky little biting, buzzing, drive me
crazy swatting at them creatures that think my food is their perch,
down to smaller more tolerable levels.
Just a few days ago there were
flies hanging out on the south side of my house so heavy that the
wall looked like it was crawling. As you would walk by it sounded
like a bees nest! That freeze yesterday morning seems to have gotten
rid of them.
I just know those pests were just
waiting for me to open a window so they could infiltrate my house...
Another pest I have are starlings.
While I appreciate birds hanging out and singing me their sweet
tunes, I do NOT like starlings. I walked out a few morning ago to
find a robins egg laying on my porch broken. I looked up to a nest
some robins had built a few days or so before and saw it was ripped
to shreds.
In the past I have actually wasted
the time to observe what some starlings were doing near a bird house
I had built a long time ago. The starlings pecked at the small hole
until they got it big enough to get their heads through. They then
ripped the nesting material out and tossed the eggs to the ground.
It infuriated me!
The tiny wrens that had built
those nests did nothing to the starlings. All they wanted was to eat
bugs and sing me their songs while they raised their young. But the
big bad nasty starlings want to be nasty dictators and run everyone
else off.
Back in the early 80's there was a
small crack in the soffit under the eave on the south side of the
house. Starlings ripped and tore at that crack until they enlarged it
big enough to get in and they started building their nest. They were
none to happy when I repaired the hole and threw them out.
Just like in our species, there
are good and there are bad. It's a constant struggle to keep fighting
against the bad so we can have a peaceful life that we can enjoy.
So before I go entirely buggy I'll
say so long for today and get out and about on my chores before the
rain the weather guy says is coming gets here.
Have a great day and keep wearing
that smile!