Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year

I've been really lazy this week. Tired and rundown as if all the energy has been drawn from my body like the batteries from the childrens toys for Christmas. Don't know if it is from whatever I was feeling ill with last Thursday or if it's the after Christmas relaxation. Maybe it's a combination of both.

I do know I'm exhausted and in need of mental recharging. Heck I can't even stay awake after six in the evening without a losing battle! Tuesday was my birthday. I was kinda happy that I spent the day alone and had nothing pressing to do.

Was just about to go to bed in the evening when my phone rang. It was my daughter. She wanted me to go to her place for dinner.
What else can you do... I got ready and went. There was dinner and cake. I got to spend more time with the family and grandkids. I had a great time.

Now it's getting real close to New Years eve. I seriously only plan on spending it in bed. I've had my years of celebrating while welcoming in the New Year, but that too has become boring. Then with me feeling so tired, I can honestly say that I hope no one will invite me anywhere. I just want to spend the eve celebrating with my comfy pillow and warm blankets.

I do though want to wish you all a Happy New Year!
I'd also like to ask you to be careful out there while having your good time and especially on your way home.
I care about all my readers and followers and wouldn't want to lose a one of you.
I hope for you all the best of blessing for your new year and all the love and joy you deserve.

Catch ya next year!!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

For Everyone

I hope your going to spend time this weekend with family and loved friends. I also hope you'll spend some time visiting with someone who is lonely and has no close family and friends. Maybe take them a gift they can use or even a plate of cookies and other assorted goodies.

I also hope you all will have a wonderful Christmas!
I wish for you the hope and peace the day brings with it.
I hope you all get the wonderful gifts you want. I also hope you all will enjoy the bright shining smiles of the children as they open their gifts.

Don't forget to let down your hair and get on the floor and play with the children. Share memories and stories with them, so one day they will have great memories and stories to share and pass on.

I hope all of you have full bellies from a wonderful meal. Maybe think about those that are not so fortunate and drop them off a paper plate full of nice leftovers with that little chat you can make the time to have with them.

Don't forget to leave Santa a plate full of cookies and some eggnog or milk for a snack.

Have A Very Merry Christmas!

See you sometime next week.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


I seem to have a nice Christmas cold catching me. So I'm very late today.
Woke up yesterday with my eyes burning and feeling like someone sprinkled pepper in my nose then spent the entire day feeling like that and getting very tired. Last evening I was feeling like a mule kicked me in the head.

Today confirms my suspicions because it has only gotten worse. My nose is sore because of trying to erode it from my face while attempting to keep up with the waterfall of goo that keeps pouring from it. I've all but blown my nose from my face while sneezing. My eyes are bloodshot and look like I've been on a week long drinking spree. (wish I was, that would have made it all worth while and understandable)

I've tried several times to write a blog for today. I can't keep a thing in my mind long enough to get more than two sentences. So I give up...
I'm going to spend my day in nonthinking mode and hope that tomorrow I feel a bit better.

Guys! Love and take care of those wonderful ladies you're lucky enough to have. It sure does stink when your sick and have to take care of yourself...

Have a wonderful day full of smiles!!!

Hmm, might even break into some Christmas Cheer just a little early to see if that medicine helps. : )

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


So many like to ask questions about fate. Often that question is, do you believe in fate. I'm not looking for an argument, but I have seen fate. I've lived fate. I believe in fate.

But... I also realize fate has some aspects.
Some deny their fate, some justify their fate, some do anything they can do to alter their fate.
The only question is which one are you and only you can decide that answer or change it.
That is your fate.

Once as a young boy I had to get some hay from atop a mow. I climbed the ladder and tossed down some bales. That fate had been given to me by my grandpap as one of my chores.

My next fate was to climb that ladder back down. I looked at the ladder and looked at some broken bales of loose hay laying twelve feet down on the floor. I altered my fate by deciding to jump from the top of the mow to the pile of hay on the floor. That change of fate allowed me to experience one of the most exciting feeling of my life up until that time. The freedom of a free fall to the pile of hay on the floor.

Later in life my fate was to work for someone else so I could earn a living. I didn't like working for someone else. So I changed my fate by starting my own business.

I've had times during my life I felt bored. My fate at those times was to be bored. I simply changed my fate by finding something to do that was not boring.

The fate of a mushroom is to grow in one place and do nothing but exist in the spot it was born. To only have whatever is given to it by mere chance and the whims of the wind, sun and rain. It can grow and only do what that spot allows it to do. Only if the conditions are right can it grow. Yet if someone walks along and steps on it, it will suffer die.

The fate of a human can easily be altered. If you believe your fate is to only feel sad and have little if anything, that could be your fate. You also can learn, grow and move in search of something better. Humans are not rooted to their fate.

Humans can deny their fate and refuse to do anything to alter what they have or how they feel, even how they're treated.
Humans can accept what fate they have. They can choose to stay with whatever it is they don't like and just make excuses for why they can not have a better life.

But humans can also change or alter their fate. You have the fresh new chance every day to do what needs to be done to alter you fate.
Only catch is, YOU must do it.
The only thing that limits your fate is your imagination and willingness to move and do.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Memories

This time of year we have a way of remembering Christmas's past. We remember loved ones and friends who made it feel so special. Many who are no longer with us.

It's not at all a bad thing. Remembering people who made us feel special is a way to know how to make others in our lives feel special. Remembering what grandma and grandpap did that made us feel special can now be passed on by us to our children and grandchildren.

Family traditions and foods we remember can now be made by us to be shared and passed along. Stories of those that made us feel special helps our children and grandchildren learn their family history and feel a part of something much bigger than the world they know.

We of the older generations are the ones with the responsibility to pass on and make great Christmas memories for those that have come after us.
Then yes, someday they will reflect back on joyful occasions with you and you will be remembered with a smile and a warm feeling in their heart.

So this year as you remember Christmas's past and those that are no longer with us, why not keep them alive in the memories you pass along.
Sometimes I find that even young kids who seem not to be listening are the ones that listen the most. It's just not cool to be listening so they act like they can't hear.

The really young seem to just enjoy the stories, but don't go into each and every detail with them or their little minds will tire and wonder. They have too much to see and far too much they need to do. Those shiny new toys can not wait for all the little details of your story.

When kids are playing though and you sit and chat with older family and share the stories and remembered details, the children are hearing. It's amazing how I hear them relate things back that I thought they didn't hear.

Take the time if you can and get down on the floor and play along with the children and their shiny new toys. That will be a part of their cherished memories one day. A memory they may share with their children and families.

Sharing what we remember with people who are not of our families helps cement friendships and allows friendship to grow. Maybe even creates new traditions for others who may not have sharing and loving traditions. It can make someone without a family feel a sense of belonging.

Giving someone the gift of a simple box of homemade cookies, your time for even a few minutes, and your ear, can turn tears of sadness and loneliness into tears of joy. Just might even bring a smile to a very sad and lonely face...

Monday, December 19, 2011


Tis the season of showing how much we care. Of showing love for our fellow man. If your religious or not that is a great thing to celebrate. Many of us show our love and caring for our children and families.

How about neighbors and even strangers? Many celebrate Christmas but seem to me to forget that he who is the reason for this is said to have come for all of mankind. He came into the world for the world. Many of the words written about him show his acceptance for everyone. Not just the christians and those who believe in him.

According to the book, he said those who are not against us are with us. His teachings were of love and caring. Not of war and hatred. He didn't win believers by beating them with words, he won them over by showing he cared.

Off the top of my head I can remember only once he lost his temper and showed anger according to the written word. That was towards the leaders of the church who used the church for material gain. The ones who twisted and used christianity to suit theirself instead of welcoming everyone and accepting that they could slowly learn and maybe come to believe the christian teachings.

Hope you'll maybe consider helping others this Christmas.
Maybe help someone with health issues. Even a visit to those who can't get out is a great gesture. If you know someone who has trouble cooking, why not make an extra meal and take it to them. If possible invite them to a meal.

If you have some extra money and know someone down on their luck, why not help them out with some fuel so they can keep warm over the winter months. Even paying just one bill for them is a great help.
Know a family down on their luck? Why not buy them the fixens for a Christmas dinner. Do it like when you were a kid. Set the bags on their doorstep, knock or ring the bell and run. Or even have someone who doesn't know you deliver it. Heck you could probably give some kid a few bucks to do it and make two people happy.

We could all do well and join in as Santa's joy spreading elves!
It really is one world on which we live. We really are just one huge family. Shouldn't we all at least make an attempt to try and help someone else?

By doing anything to help someone else, we make it a little better one gift of help or joy at a time. We help the spirit of Santa Clause to be carried on. In this way Santa never disappears. Quite possibly we give and eventually it comes all the way around the world and right back to us.

Please consider helping to keep the spirit of Santa alive and well? Isn't this what the Bible teaches? Helping others, teaching through understanding with patience, gaining others who believe differently through friendship and love of all life.

Wasn't that the reason Jesus came into the world? To release us of rules and laws that no mortal man can live by? Are those laws and rules not only shown to us to make us understand how impossible it would be to be equal to God?

Give yourself a fantastic gift this year by giving of yourself and some of what you have to others. I find it really does give back a great feeling that comes over you and fills you with warmth. It also creates new friendships which give back by allowing you to grow with understanding and acceptance.

It also broadens the smile which lights your face as you continue on this journey through life. I also find when I give cookies it brings a smile to the face of others! Now can you imagine what a smile an entire meal would give to a family who is down on their luck? Can you imagine the joy on the faces of children from that family if you leave a few toys and warm clothing?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Sweet Treats

It's the last weekend before Christmas this year. Are you finished shopping for gifts to help Santa fulfill the wishes? Or are you like me and still have a few things to pick up.

Luckily I only have a few small things to shop for and I'll finish that up while I make the weekly run for groceries. So even if the stores are crowded it shouldn't be to bad nor take me very long at all. If the old body isn't in to bad of shape, I may even just stroll around the stores and see if I find some people I know and gab a bit.

How about your cookie and candy making? I'm real close to finishing that project and will probably finish today. Unless I get a fit of laziness. I do have this overwhelming urge to just go back to bed this morning...

I've left you with some of our family favorites here this week. I received a question about the Potato Candy recipe of Monday's Getting Ready post. So I edited it just a little. It's tough to relate a recipe that you don't even think of when making. Now I'm beginning to understand what some people before me must have went through when trying to give someone a recipe.

The Sugar Cookie recipe I use is one I've never seen here on the internet. I used to make these when my kids were in school and they had to take a turn bringing in snacks. Then one day there was a parents day and I was pleasantly surprised when a mom walked up to me and commented that her daughter said my sugar cookies were better than hers. She asked for the recipe and I was only to glad to share it with her and others. Even three of the kids there that day said my cookies were the greatest, even better than their mom's! Now that makes a single dad feel kinda proud.

I have no idea where I originally found this recipe, but it had to have been in a cookbook. It said to sprinkle the cookies with sugar after baking them, but I did and then thought they were to sweet. So I just bake them and let them cool without the added sugar. I do sometimes when making them for Christmas us the colored sugars though for added decoration.

Sugar Cookies

1 Cup (2 Sticks) Softened Butter
1 Cup Sugar
Beat in a large bowl at high speed until creamy.
Add: 2 Eggs
2 1/2 teaspoons Vanilla
Beat until light and fluffy.

Sift: 3 1/2 Cups Flour
2 1/4 teaspoons Baking Powder
1/4 teaspoon Salt
Stir into butter/sugar mixture

Shape into 1" balls and place on a cookie sheet (leave space between, they will grow)
Butter the bottom of a glass and flatten cookies to 1/4 inch with the bottom of the glass. (Often I only use a big spoon.)

Bake at 375 degrees about 10 minutes or until the edges are lightly browned.
Makes about 4 1/2 Dozen
* The dough can be rolled to 1/4 inch thick and cut with cookie cutters.

One more cookie I often make and have been asked to make this year and thought I'd add here for you is,

Chocolate Peanut Butter No Bake Cookies

2 Cups Sugar
1/2 Cup Cocoa
1/2 Cup Milk
1/4 Cup Butter
Mix and boil while stirring, for EXACTLY One Minute (not 1 second longer or 1 second less)
Take the pot off the burner.

ADD (It's best to have these ready before you start boiling)
3 Cups Oat Meal
1/2 Cup Peanut Butter
1 teaspoon Vanilla
Mix together well and drop by spoonfuls on wax paper

Pay heed to that one minute. Any less and they'll never set up and will be a gooey mess. Any Longer and they'll be dry and even like rocks.
I didn't listen well to my mom when she told me that and I did mess that up...

But they are so fast and easy that I often would make them for the kids and myself for a quick treat. After putting them on the waxed paper I would put some in the refrigerator to help them cool quickly.

There may be one more cookie I will make yet this year. A really great friend and reader of the blog who is from Australia mentioned a cookie called an Anzac. It takes Golden Syrup though and I have to see if I can find that in any of the local stores. If I can, I know I'll be trying them. They sound like an oatmeal cookie with coconut.

There are a few recipes that say you can swap the Golden Syrup for Honey, but she warns that it drastically changes the flavor.
I do have a feeling deep inside though that if I can't find the Golden Syrup I just may try them with honey anyway.

Well, I hope your shopping and baking and candy making is coming along well. I also hope that if you still have kids at home that your getting them into the act and allowing them to help you. It's a great way to teach the kids and an even greater way to have fun with them. Fun that also makes great fun things to eat!

By the way. There was a buddy's wife who used her teen son as her mixer. She'd hand him the bowl and a big wooden spoon and he'd mix up the ingredients. That young lads arms were well defined and strong! He never lifted a weight or did any other workouts for his muscular arms...
She also never purchased store bread, rolls, cakes, cookies or even sticky buns. I often threatened to steal her away from my buddy.

Have a great cookie and candy making weekend!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wake Up Guys

To the guys.
Including today, you only have ten days left until Christmas. Did you find that perfect gift for her yet?
If not you would do well to get busy...

What does she want? What does she like? What does she find enjoyment in doing? What would give her the greatest bragging rights with her friends or coworkers? Almost any of those would help keep you out of the reindeer house.

I can't be of much more help than that because I don't know her. You should...

Many years ago I dated a woman who had her own house. She was a small woman and it was a struggle for her to open her garage door. I got her a garage door opener. But I wasn't dumb. I kind of figured that would be appreciated, but it still wasn't enough. So along with a few other things I also bought her a ring. That she could wear and it would give her bragging rights.

Like I said, I was only dating her. It was not a ring that said marry me or anything like that, just a nice ring that I'm willing to bet she still enjoys wearing today. Almost any jewelry can fill that bill.

Just like you and me, women like having things they can display proudly in front of their friends and just maybe bring out a little jealousy.
But for her a nice new rifle probably won't do. Though there are some women who would love that, they are few and far between.

How about mom? Have you considered getting her a mothers ring? For you guys who don't know, they are rings with small birthstones for each of their children.

One year I managed to please my mom very much by getting one of those big picture frames that would hold lots of small pictures. I added pictures of her mother, her when younger, my brother and myself, and our kids. Mom seemed to love it.

My mom was kind of easy to shop for though. She appreciated just about anything that would make her work in the kitchen easier or quicker. So often I would cop out and buy her something useful. Still I would find a nice necklace, bracelet or ring or something to give.

But simply think of what the women in your life like. Not what you like...
If you buy her a shiny new hammer for instance, she may decide to try it on you.

I knew a guy who after many many years of marriage was about out of ideas.
He got busy and built his wife new kitchen cabinets. He's gone now, but she still has a twinkle in her eyes when she's in her kitchen.
Now I know not everyone has the skills to do that, but even buying her a new kitchen and having it installed could be an idea.

Show her your appreciation and love by thinking what would mean the most to her.

But hurry! Like I said earlier, the time is running out as the clock tics away.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tea Balls And Cartoons

The most local TV station here has been playing a few cartoon classics since I was a very, very young boy. We lived in other areas of the country and I never saw them anywhere but here.

Every December they would pull them out and play them. There was a year, I think back in the 80's, they decided not to play the old films any longer. People complained! So they brought them back fast. Being the films were getting very old I understand they put them in digital format. Now the big kid in me wishes they would make them available for download.

Here is a link to the page they can be found on. Play all three and see if they don't give you a smile.

Another cookie recipe from my past is a Tea Ball my mother always made for Christmas.

Tea Balls
1 Cup (2 sticks) Softened Butter
1/2 Cup Sifted Powdered Sugar
1 Teaspoon Vanilla or Black Walnut Flavoring
2 1/2 Cups Sifted Flour
1/4 Teaspoon Salt
3/4 Cup Chopped walnuts

Cover and chill the dough. I usually mix it up and leave it covered in the refrigerator overnight.

Roll into 1 inch balls and place them on an ungreased cookie sheet.

Bake at 400 degrees for 10 to 12 minutes or until set and light brown.

While still warm roll in Powdered sugar.
When cool roll in powdered sugar again.

These little bursts of sweetness go great with Coffee, Tea, milk or even Eggnog.
I like to make mine just a little smaller so they are more bite sized. They do leave behind a powdered sugar mess like powdered sugar doughnuts do. But they are so tasty I really hope you all will try them.

If you and your families and friends like them as much as they're liked here you'll probably want to make two batches. The only complaint I've ever had about them is there are never enough!

Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Things are going almost to smooth with the Christmas shopping this year. I only have about three smallish gifts yet to buy. May buy a few more little stocking stuffer gifts while shopping for them, but I'm about finished. Normally I don't get finished until only one or two days before Christmas.

My cookie and candy making are close to the finish line also. Now the problem of staying out of them so I don't have to start over again. In a house with two cookie monsters that is hard. I swear I hear them calling my name.

The son has yet to make the Pizzelle's. They are all I ask him to make. I just can't understand it, but he uses the exact same recipe I do yet his taste better than mine. He also makes the best Chicken Cacciatore, but getting him to make it is worse than pulling teeth from a snake. He says he doesn't like it...

I've always liked the taste of peanut brittle, but it was so tiresome to make. You always had to keep an eye on a candy thermometer and stir it constantly to be careful not to scorch it, which would ruin it with a nasty flavor.
But I did find a recipe that takes the worry away. I tried it when my kids were young and still use it today. The same recipe can be used with peanuts or cashews. And of course the more fattening cashews are my favorite.

I have no idea where I found the recipe. I found it before I had the internet, but it too is probably out here somewhere. I will share that with you today, yet again it's not my recipe, but one I found somewhere.

Microwave Cashew or Peanut Brittle

1 1/2 cups roasted unsalted cashews or peanuts
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp butter
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp baking soda

Line a baking sheet or shallow baking pan with foil. Butter the foil and a metal spatula, set aside.
Combine nuts, sugar, corn syrup and salt in a 6-cup microwave-safe bowl. Cook, uncovered, 4 minutes on High, stir well and cook 4 minutes longer on High. Mixture will be boiling. (This stuff is like lava, so be careful)
Stir in butter and vanilla.
Microwave on High 2 minutes.
Add baking soda and stir until light and foamy. Quickly pour into prepared pan. Spread to about 1/4 inch thickness with spatula.
Let cool, then break into pieces.
Store in airtight container.
Makes 1 pound.

I like to make no less than one batch of each and usually more to add with the tins and boxes of cookies I like to give as gifts. Like the cookies, the brittle is always appreciated. There are just so many people who appreciate sweets.

I think I've only met one person during my life who said they didn't like sweets, yet I would often see him snitching cookies and homemade candies...

Be sure to clean up your tools immediately. When this cools it takes more work than you can imagine to clean off.

Most of the recipes I use for cookies are the same as the recipes you find on chocolate chip bags or Oatmeal containers. Only thing I do differently is I use butter where some call for that canned grease. Grandma used butter and I really do think it leaves you with a better buttery flavor.

I do still have two more recipes that are not on any containers and I'll share them with you soon.

Once again, have a fantastic cookie and candy making day!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Getting Ready for Christmas

Only thirteen days left and it's Christmas. Are you ready? Is your shopping finished yet? Have you done your cookie baking? Do you have your Christmas candy like potato candy, cashew brittle and peanut brittle made?

I'm almost there. The chocolate chip, peanut butter, oatmeal and oatmeal raisin cookies are done and my son and I have only sampled like two of each. For us that's incredible! It has helped that I've hidden them though.

There are now about fourteen dozen cookies hidden in my house and about seven or eight dozen to be made. Then the candy making begins. About two pounds of potato candy, the cashew brittle and peanut brittle, which I have no idea how much the recipes I use make.

I still use my mothers recipe for potato candy which was passed down from her grandfather. I make two batches for here at home and to have some for gifts.

Potato Candy
1/2 Cup Mashed Potatoes
4 teaspoons Vanilla
1 bag Powdered Sugar (the two pound bag)
I start with about 3/4 of the bag of powdered sugar and keep adding more.
Mix to a dough like consistency
If it gets too thick add more potatoes. But just a very little at a time

Divide the dough into four equal amounts. Lay Waxed Paper on your rolling board. Dust your roller and Waxed paper with Powdered Sugar. One at a time, roll out on waxed paper into a rectangular shape. About an eight inch thick or a little thinner. You should dust the rolling pin with powdered sugar to keep it from sticking.

Spread with a thin layer of Peanut butter.

Roll up from the long edge into a log shape. Use the waxed paper to help you roll.
Sometimes I have trouble with the candy sticking to the waxed paper so I use a butter knife to help loosen it.

After it's rolled, cut into approximately 1/4 inch pieces.

When you begin to mix it looks like a complete watery failure. But don't get upset, just keep working in more powdered sugar and you will arrive at a tasty ending.

After cutting the 1/4 inch pieces I let them dry on the waxed paper for a few hours until they are not so sticky.
I then cut waxed paper to fit in a tin storage container that has Christmas designs on. I lay one piece of waxed paper on the bottom to keep them from sticking to the bottom. Lay the pieces in one layer kind of neatly, cover that layer with another piece of waxed paper and continue until the tin is full or I'm done.

I have once had some that were a month old that were kept that way and they were fine. But usually they don't last more than two weeks because of all the people around here with a sweet tooth. Yes, myself included.
But one word of warning from personal experience... Eat to much at one time and you will get a powerful belly ache. I learned that as a kid as, if I remember right, so did my kids...

I've even seen potato candy that was made of the same recipe but was rolled into balls and had no peanut butter added. That would be great for people who can't eat peanut butter.
They really taste great, but I like that peanut butter. Possibly way to much!

I know some people that don't bake or make candy because of physical health problems and some who just can't or won't bake. Baking for one just does seem to be such a waste...

So I like to pack up various homemade cookies and candy to give as gifts. I've never had any complaints other than they would like to have had more. I also appreciate when I receive these kinds of gifts. Others have different recipes than I do and I get to enjoy their precious goodies as well. Some even make things I don't make.

I never have a problem getting tins to use. Usually every year someone gives me tins or even nice boxes with candy or something and I clean them and use them the next year to fill with scrumptious goodies. If I run short, they are sold at most stores and are very reasonably priced.

Have a really fantastic cookie and candy making day!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Beautiful Bloggers

Finally went and did some Christmas shopping yesterday. My daughter and I left early in the morning and spent the day together wasting spending money. I was pleasantly surprised that the stores I went to were not nearly as crowded as I expected them to be. Even at the mall, the parking lots were not overly crowded leaving me with long hikes to the doors.

I'm still tired today and have no plans other than do what absolutely needs done here around home, then resting and baking more cookies. I'm resting up so that Saturday I hopefully can finish the Christmas shopping when my son and I take a journey even farther away from home to another area to shop.

There are a bunch of other blogs I like to read, but I never read them every day. On days where the weather isn't nice and I don't have a lot to do I like to catch up with the reading. So today as I bake and rest, I'll be catching up with some of the good bloggers out here. The bloggers that make me envious with their talented writing. Ones that entertain and often make me smile and often make me think and remember.

Today I'm going to share three of those fabulous bloggers with you and I really hope you will check them out and find the as great as I do.

One is from a local girl gone south. I've known her dad for to many years to want to admit. I just recently found out about her blog and am impressed. She might give you some crafty ideas!

Another entertaining and thought provoking blog is,

This is one more blog that has a way of always entertaining me, making me remember and think.

Sure hope you'll visit them and then maybe stop back and comment. Let me and others know what you think of them.

I'm also curious.

Is your Christmas shopping finished yet or like myself do you wait until the last minute to venture out to the stores in search of the perfect gifts?

How are you finding the stores in your area? Are they overly crowded or is it just shopping as usual?
The lack of crowds yesterday still has me scratching my head in wonder.

Time now for me to make a trek to my kitchen for another cup of coffee then decide which cookies I'm going to mix up next.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, December 8, 2011


The combination of bad back and bad weather leaves me with many mornings to watch morning news programs while sipping coffee between spurts of cleaning.

One part of those programs is tables filled with products that look similar but are very different in prices. What amazes me is that normally the least expensive is the one I find looks the most appealing. Often the cheaper is more ornate. Some of those programs even show clothes. I find the same thing true with clothes. The less expensive is the nicer looking. Over the years I've noticed the same with jewelry. Most of the time the really expensive stuff looks ugly to me.

Well, this kind of got my silly mind going. Like it needed an excuse...
I have found over the decades of life that I'm never totally alone with my thoughts and ideas. Many go back centuries. Now I'm sure I'm not alone in my way of seeing these products.

Which leads me to the conclusion that should you specifically want the more expensive item as a gift, you should probably point that out when you mention it. Otherwise we guys may get what we see as the prettier of the choices to go along with the beauty of you.

I really don't think we are as cheap as many would make us out to be, more that the item looks nicer to us.

I also began to ponder why the cheaper looks nicer. While watching one of these shows I noticed a cake saver. Once again the cheaper looked nicer to me. The more expensive looked a lot like the Uniroyal Tire guy. The less expensive had finer, crisper detail. Yet when the host picked them up the more expensive was heavier.

Now in my goofy head I understand that heavy means better built and built to last. Yet if I were putting it on my table I would opt for the better looking. Not a cake saver that reminded me of the pudgy, rolly Uniroyal Tire guy from the commercials who would haunt me by looking fat while I wanted to enjoy and savor the cake. If I wanted that abuse I could simply eat my cake in front of a full length mirror...

I conclude that the lesser costly looks nicer to entice us into buying a product that is likely to last a shorter time.
Not at all like the days of my youth when I saw many beautifully decorated items that were built to last. Pie plates with beautiful designs that my mother had and have now come into my possession. They are heavy and built to withstand the bumps over time.

Mom had cookie sheets that had stars embossed. When you saw the bottom of the cookies they had that star shape on them. Those my bright son around the age of 12 or so, decided to use outside in his play. I was totally unaware of that and when I finally did discover them hiding under a bush. They were so covered with rust, I doubt they could ever be cleaned without messing up that design...

I grew up slightly upper middle class, but we were not even close to rich. Mom was about as cheap as one could come. I'm proud to say she made old Abe weep on those pennies by pinching them. So I'm sure she didn't buy the most expensive of anything.

So for this Christmas, why not let your hubby know exactly which thing it is that he should buy. Even if you have to give him a list of several so that you'll at least have somewhat of a surprise. Same goes for you guys out there.

I will add though, that if you really sat and talked more often and really listened, you may get keyed in to what makes your partner the happiest. But it's a little late now to go off on that voyage of discovery for this Christmas. Yet it could be in your plans for next.

That could also be the gift you give each other for your love and to improve your relationship...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Cementing Dishes

Tis the season to start spending boo hoo hoo hoo hoo, hoo hoo hoo hoo.
No wonder we need all those Christmas cookies and candies. After all the gift buying we do there is a desperate need of comfort foods.

Maybe that is why I put off Christmas gift shopping until I have started the baking.

Yet here I am still trying to get my kitchen cleaned after the busy spring, summer and fall. Hmm, my Santa's list this year will include a maid. One who is fully paid for the next five years.

Grandma's way was to do spring cleaning. However with only two guys in the house who get busy working and playing outside during nice weather, the kitchen and the rest of the house falls into dumpiness. Now compound that with a son who seems to believe if he hides dirty dishes they will just disappear and you have major cleaning to do.

There were some boxes in a corner of my kitchen. Why? I haven't a clue... Thought maybe the son had them there for a reason, so I never bothered with them. But as I decided to get busy with a good cleaning I figured they needed moved.

I picked up the boxes and found they were empty. But under the stack of boxes I found a treasure. A stack of dishes with lord knows what cemented to them and even cementing some together. How they didn't stink or even reek is completely beyond my scope of understanding.

I attempted to wash the plates and bowls. Ha ha. Needed a jackhammer to loosen the filth. I spoke a few words of praise under my breath to my son who was at work as I attempted to use a butter knife and a fork to loosen the debris. No luck. I tried a putty knife. I finally set them aside and washed what I could. Filled the sink with hot soapy water and left them to soak over night. That worked.

When the son got home from work that day I found out that someone I haven't heard of for quite a while has moved back in and no one told me.
When I asked him about that stack of nastiness he said it wasn't him. So thereby I have to conclude that Not Me has once again graced my home with his return.

Now that's not all bad. I do have a huge score to settle with Not Me... Not Me has haunted my household for many years while my kids were growing. Seriously, he moved in right after they learned to talk and then went on vacation for a while after my daughter got married and move out. But I see his little butt is back. I want to catch him. And I may be locked in a jail cell for what I intend to do to him.

Thanks to an unruly messed up back, the cleaning takes me longer than it should. I can only work in spurts until the pain gets to much and then have to vegetate on the couch or laying down on the bed until it lets up and I can get back to the cleaning. But it is finally about finished.

Then let the cookie baking begin! Let the wonderful aromas fill my sniffer! Let the smells and tastes of Christmas's past awaken the joy of yet another wonderful Christmas and spur me on to shopping!

Just the thoughts of the twinkles in the eyes of the grandkids as they open gifts gives me warm fuzzy feelings. Brings back memories of my kids on Christmas morning. Brings back fond memories of Christmas long ago when I was a kid being spoiled by my grand parents.

But looking back now on that stack of dishes. I sure wish I had thought before to wrap them up for the son...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Your Ruining My Life!

My parents are ruining my life!
But mom, why can't I do that? But dad why do I have to do that? Your so mean!
X$*?... Because I said so!!!! Danged little brat, who the heck do you think you are anyway?

Parents tell you no, because they've been there before and done that. In some way they've experienced it. Be it through their own experience or through the experience of someone they know. Possibly even know through reading it in the news paper or on the daily news.

They tell you to do things because they need done. You are part of the family and household and you should be sharing in the work. The parents also are trying to teach you how to work. A skill that you'll need the rest of your life. Not one thing comes for free. You must earn it.

They tell you no because they want you to remain safe and not get hurt in some way or another. They tell you no because not every little bauble is necessary and costs money that is hard earned. They tell you no because not every wish needs to be fulfilled.

You may know your parents as dull and boring people who do nothing but work and have no life. But before you came along they had a life. A life very similar to yours.

They went out for exciting evenings. They went dancing. They went to bars and restaurants. They went on adventures. How do you think they met? Oh gee, they even made love. Don't believe it? Consider how you got here...

Even more outrageous! Your parents had parents too. Their parents told them no. Their parents made them do things they didn't want to also. And if you get your head out of the clouds and read a little thing called history, you'll find they didn't always have the objects to make the work easy.

You have a cell phone you can carry with you everywhere you go. Chances are your parents had to look for a phone booth to call home or had to call from someones living room.

There wasn't always a thing called a tiller to dig up a garden. Gardens needed dug with a shovel, the clods of earth needed chopped up with a hoe and then raked to make a decent bed to grow vegetables and flowers.

There wasn't always an extra car sitting in the driveway. Only dad had a car to get to and from work and family shopping trips and outings which were made on the weekends when dad didn't have to work. A trip by the kids to a friends house was made by a thing called a walk. Now I know that's a hard thing to understand, but you do it by placing one foot in front of the other until you reach your destination.

Snacks and food did not come from the shelf or microwave. They were made when mom had time to make them. Washing machines used to have ringers. Mom had to take the wash from the machine and put the clothes through the ringer to wring the water out.

Driers were a rope strung between two posts or trees. You hung the clothes on the lines to have the sun and breeze dry them. There was no demanding that you have your favorite outfit washed and dried within an hour.

Kids blame their problems on parents.
I'm fighting back, kids are the blame for parents problems.

Without kids parents would have money and time to do what they like to do.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Why Me

Life is full of the insane moments where nothing seems to go right. Or go the way we would like them to.
There is seldom any certainty. Many times I feel the only certain thing is the word certain.
All this leads us to those hands in the air “WHY ME” moments.

No mater how much you feel like it only happens to you, it happens to everyone. Think about it, how often do you hear others say the exact same thing? Many times with tears in their eyes. Often with despair and defeat in their voices and in their eyes.

They cry that they give up. They'll never try again. There is no hope for their life!
Yet as long as there is breath there is hope. Giving up is just not an option. We keep breathing and life goes on. We keep trying. Some sad souls get so desperate they try taking their lives. Some find success at that, but many more find they have only made their lives more miserable.

Why me?
Because life is full of wonderful uncertainty. Because the universe is full of the mysterious and the strange. Because life is filled with beautiful possibilities to do things in many different ways and have millions of different outcomes.

Why me?
Because you are given the chance to stretch your imagination and be creative.

Why me?
Because you are so awesome that your given the opportunity to be the first to do it your way. You are the creator or acceptor of your outcome.

Why me?
Because you got off your rear and dared to do.

Sometimes why me's come from things breaking down. Or one thing after another in your home breaking down.

When you moved into that home you purchased all those things. As you used them they slowly wore. Bearings ground against metal, electronics heated and cooled wearing them until they became weak. So when the first begins breaking down, you should just know that others will soon follow.

That is why a savings account should be kept at hand. Then when things begin to break down there is money to buy replacements.

But the little things that go wrong when we do things are only lessons on how not to try the next time we make an attempt to do what we did.
Why me's of love are the teaching lessons also. They teach you that you didn't know the jerk idiot butthead person you thought you knew all so well. Yet also that your well of to be without them.

Why me's of health issues teach you that your body can't do some things. Maybe you can't do some things any longer that you used to do. Your body wears too. They can also teach that you need to make changes.

Why me just happens. The only people I feel sorry for are the ones who sit alone in a room and cry out why me. They don't attempt to live and enjoy life and really, while alone in their room no one can hear their why me.
Well except for the person responsible for the why me...